We are Kiwanians
Kids are curious, lovable and hilarious. They are also wild, impatient and vulnerable. Kiwanis is looking out for kids in every corner of the globe with more than 550,000 volunteers who serve their communities through local clubs.
Help support Kiwanis by donating:
Disclaimer: Our payment platform is through Zeffy, which is entirely free to use as a charity. When making a donation or purchase, you will see an optional donation option to support Zeffy’s platform. This contribution is entirely voluntary. If you prefer not to donate, you can remove the suggested option amount before completing your transaction.
Free Entry
Fun for the entire family
dunk tank
Fire & Police displays
Live music, Food Vendors
and of course the EGG HUNT for the kiddies!
Help Us serve the Children of our Community.
You can help us sponsor a specific program or become one of our Annual Community Sponsors. You can also donate directly to our Foundation and all donations are tax deductible.
Kiwanis Club of Huntington Beach is a non-profit organization.
501(c)3: #33-076-2548
About Kiwanis
For more than 100 years, Kiwanis International has been active in communities around the world. In Huntington Beach, the Kiwanis Club has been helping kids for more than 60 years.
You might know some of our members. You’ve probably seen us in the neighborhood, in church or at the grocery store. We’re the do-gooders in the community—the ones who arrive early to help set up an event and stay late to clean up. Sometimes we serve pancakes or cook hot dogs to raise money to support our efforts to help kids.
Our club selected our projects after asking community leaders where our support was needed most. We provide several community support projects. Often, our projects are those that replace school or civic events that have been reduced by budget cuts. When a kid needs help, a Kiwanis club steps in.
We believe we can make a difference in the world, in our community and in the life of a child. Along with clubs for adults, we offer clubs for kids in elementary, middle, high school and even in college. We also have a club that gives developmentally disabled adults the opportunity to volunteer in their community. We believe everyone can benefit from helping others.
There are many ways to sponsor HB Kiwanis. You can sponsor a specific program, or become one of our Community or Annual Sponsors. All donations to our 501c3 foundation are fully tax-deductible. For more information about how you can sponsor, please send an email to:
hbdanapike@outlook.com - subject: Sponsorship
PO Box 4544
Huntington Beach, CA 92647